🎺Hey [Friend/Family/Neighbor's Name]! 🎶
The Davis High Marching Band needs your help! We're raising funds for uniforms, fees, and transportation for our epic show, "Tidal Force." Any amount helps, and we’re super grateful for your support! Click the link to donate: https://dsdgive.net/event/4754
If we hit at least $15,000 by the end of the week, we get to dunk the band staff in a dunk tank! 😄 Thanks so much!
The Davis High Marching Band needs your help! We're raising funds for uniforms, fees, and transportation for our epic show, "Tidal Force." Any amount helps, and we’re super grateful for your support! Click the link to donate: https://dsdgive.net/event/4754
If we hit at least $15,000 by the end of the week, we get to dunk the band staff in a dunk tank! 😄 Thanks so much!
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How to subscribe to this calendar from your Android mobile device:
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